
Depression is a state of mind.

I repeat that what i say on this blog comes from my life experiences, therefore, i have no medical opinion on things. 

I went through depression some time ago and it looking back at it, i can now say that it was the best thing that could happen to me at that precise moment of my life.

When you are in that state of mind, it is very difficult to get rid of the negative thoughts. I had the feeling that this situation would last a lifetime.

I had very very dark thoughts and I desperately looked for a psychologist who could free himself/herself to help me but couldn't find anyone...
So I decided that I could only count on myself and the resources i have to get better since the thought of worrying my surrounding with my ill-being was haunting me.

Here is what I did:
     *I started getting out of bed every morning and going for a jog in order to chase all the negative thoughts.
     *I unfollowed and deleted all the toxic people who made me feel like my life was a total failure in order to avoid feeling unsuccessful.
     *I managed to appreciate the small things and be grateful for them. I said thank you for every single thing that made me smile.

For example, a good meal or an interesting interaction with someone, less traffic, being on time at work... stuffs like that. (i did it in the form of a prayer since i am a believer but you can as well write it down in the form of a list) 
This worked for me :) 

Let me know if you have any other tool to get up when feeling low!

looking forward to your tips.

